
  1. Read more: Summer Series
    Summer Series

    Summer Series

    by Noel Feeney

    This past summer, we hosted an inspiring series of workshops led by renowned artists Kathi Burke and Georoid O'Dea, designed for children and teens...
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  2. Read more: Humans of Dublin - Guinness Storehouse
    Humans of Dublin - Guinness Storehouse

    Humans of Dublin - Guinness Storehouse

    by Noel Feeney

    Humans of Dublin is a photography project dedicated to capturing the lives, stories, and experiences of the people who call Dublin home. Founded by...
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  3. Read more: APOCALYPSE CHOW


    by Noel Feeney

    APOCALYPSE CHOW was an immersive installation & series of dinners imagining a feast at the end of the world at Hen’s Teeth where everything was...
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